Sunday, 14 February 2016

Let's make an extra special Valentines for Roxanne Walters

It's Valentine's Day today.

It's a day that can also be for showing goodwill, best wishes and friendship towards others.

So how about making Roxanne's Valentine's extra special? 

Why don't you gift the the gift of friendship CLICK

Release a few mystery valentine's gifts 

We're also showing the love from us today
as well. 

Don't forget, that if you do get one of the perks we offer. We give right back too! Every $10 or $50 donation will trigger another fun freebie for all to enjoy!

Don't be a scrooge and keep all our 
pressies to yourself! =)

Also, spread the love! Share the good news with your friends too. They can get one of our designer experiences we've created just for each one of you. Plus, the more donations we receive, the MORE fun freebies we can shower everyone with online! 

Don't miss out on previous giveaways

Infact, be sure to click this link and make this special Valentine's brunch for yourself. You can also enjoy all our other free gifts that we triggered by our donors. We've got some fantastic surprises to make you smile. We really want to give them away! Infact, we'd like to give away at least 5 more freebies today. Join our giving party and give so we can all share the love together online together today!

Don't forget to send Roxanne encouraging messages. 
C'mon everyone! #LetsMakeanArchitect

Donate by paypal

Happy Valentine's Day to all =)


Give the gift of friendship to overseas students today
Pass the love along & tell a friend =)

Saturday, 13 February 2016

How to make a donation to our campaign

How to make a #donation to our campaign Click this button: Donate
Our campaign is to raise funds an international student can access to get legal help if they encounter difficulties while studying in the UK

Digital Construction: Digital Construction: The day Destiny left a mark on Roxanne

New post on my blog: Digital Construction: The day Destiny left a mark on Roxanne
Digital Construction: Digital Construction: The day Destiny left a mark on Roxanne

It's Friday - let's make thousands smile =D

Unleash a random act of #kindness today! 

Pass it on

 Donate by paypal

Thursday, 11 February 2016

The day Destiny left a mark on Roxanne


Mick Gillick MBE released this video surprise =)

When you give to support our crowdfunding campaign. We GIVE BACK.

For every $10 or $50 donation received; we release a mystery surprise
Keep giving to release MORE of our surprises and freebies to make you smile 


pass it on

Image credit:

Donate by paypal

Friday, 5 February 2016

CLICK HERE to support A fair Education for UK international students

How to make a donation via paypal

Hi there! Thank you for supporting our campaign.Please click this link to buy your reward via paypal
CLICK HERE to support A fair Education for UK international students
Support 'A fair Education for UK international students' by donating or sharing today!

Donate by paypal

Gherkins, Gherkins, Gherkin: Digital creativity starts here

I enjoyed making this video as part of my latest creative residency.
Have a giggle, watch 
Then buy your reward from

Thanks to the wonderful team of EBB volunteers who helped me put this together =)

Donate via paypal

Make me an architect! =)

Help me to be the best architect I can be! =D

I'm really excited the nice people at Educating Beyond Borders have decided to help international students with access to funds if we need legal advice while we study.

I'm very grateful they've decided to respond to my need for help. I'm running out of time to speak with the Human Rights barrister. I've got to raise £4000 to get the legal advice I need about completing  my training. I've wanted to be an architect since I was 11 years old. Architecture means alot to me and I really want to learn how to do it well. Infact, I enjoyed doing Parts 1 and 2 of the architecture course and I got top honours both times to boot!

I want to be sure I've got a "licence to build" and not one "to kill". I've always known the best architects understand how building components go together to make uplifting spaces that are beautiful. I also know it's more important but incredibly difficult to translate a design idea from a beautiful 2D visualisation into a building which meets user needs, is within the client's budget AND ... a pretty safe bet of not falling down (or melting cars ...)

That's why I'm really looking forward to getting some quality practical experience under my belt. To do this, I need legal advice about the best way to get the practical experience I need to be a "safe pair of hands".

So if you believe in:
women in construction
empowering women

then make my day, click this link, and treat yourself to one of the perks we've prepared for you as a great big thank you for giving me the incredible opportunity of the chance to improve my architectural abilities!

Be my friend and help to make sure that I have the best chance possible not to be one of those architects who design bad buildings.

Please give generously and let's make an architect! =)

Donate by paypal

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Digital Construction: Educating Beyond Borders: EBB's 1ST crowdfunding newsletter

New post on my blog: Educating Beyond Borders: EBB's 1ST crowdfunding newsletter
Digital Construction: Educating Beyond Borders: EBB's 1ST crowdfunding newsletter

Donate by paypal

Digital Construction

New post on my blog: Educating Beyond Borders
Digital Construction

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Digital Construction: Digital Construction: Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million...

New post on my blog: Digital Construction: Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million international students...
Digital Construction: Digital Construction: Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million...

Donate by paypal

Educating Beyond Borders: Guest blog by Voice of Salam - Would you pay tens of thousands of...

Pinned to Brainfood on Pinterest: Guest blog by Voice of Salam - Would you pay tens of thousands of pounds for an incomplete degree? We're delighted by the growing media interest in the plight of international students in the UK.Click this link to read the excellent article by the blogger Elizabeth on her blog the Voice of Salam. Please would you read this article and ask yourself this very tough question: what would you do if you'd spend 200000 to learn a highly specialist subject in a foreign country. Then find out you couldn't learn all the skills and subject matter;only towards the end of your degree. After you'd spent alot of time and alot of money working towards your professional qualification. How would you feel?What would you do? Would you want others to help you get justice? Maybe these questions might be quite challenging in the current context of the immigration debate in the UK. Ponder these questions until the next guest blog posts from Media Activist Jay Baker are published.
Educating Beyond Borders: Guest blog by Voice of Salam - Would you pay tens of thousands of...

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Educating Beyond Borders: EBB's 1ST crowdfunding newsletter

New post on my blog: EBB's 1ST crowdfunding newsletter
Educating Beyond Borders: EBB's 1ST crowdfunding newsletter

Donate by paypal

Educating Beyond Borders

New post on my blog:
Educating Beyond Borders

Donate by paypal

Digital Construction: Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million international students...

New post on my blog: Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million international students in the UK
Digital Construction: Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million international students...

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Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million international students in the UK

New post on my blog: There are over 2 million international students in the UK
Educating Beyond Borders: There are over 2 million international students in the UK

Donate by paypal